by sremily | Jun 28, 2023 | Inspirations, News & Events
by Sister M. Paula Van Thienen During Holy Week this year, over 300 young men and women gathered at our Schoenstatt Shrine in Querétaro, Mexico, for a national encounter before heading out on a week-long mission. This was the first time the Schoenstatt Mexico Luz de...
by sremily | May 22, 2023 | News & Events
On May 18, we gathered at the Founder Shrine in Madison, Wisconsin, to offer a crown of flowers to our Queen of May! Bishop Donald Hying (bishop of the Diocese of Madison) and Father Mark Niehaus (superior of the Schoenstatt Fathers in the USA) joined us as we prayed...
by sremily | May 17, 2023 | News & Events
On May 22, 2013, while preparations for Schoenstatt’s hundredth jubilee were well underway, the Pallottine Community decided to hand over the Original Shrine to the international Schoenstatt Family. It was the best gift we could have received as we prepared to...
by sremily | May 17, 2023 | News & Events
In this time of a nationwide Eucharistic Revival, we invite you to join us for our annual celebration of Corpus Christi When? June 11, 2023 Where? Schoenstatt Retreat Center (W284N698 Cherry Lane, Waukesha, WI) We will begin with Holy Mass in the Father Kentenich Hall...
by sremily | Feb 7, 2023 | News & Events
By Sr. M. Paula Have you ever attended a World Youth Day? Hundreds of thousands of Catholic young people from all over the world come together every three years for an encounter with the Holy Father. Faith, hope, and love become experiential through a profound...
by sremily | Jan 30, 2023 | Discernment, News & Events
REJOICE – “Do not be afraid… for nothing will be impossible for God.” Join us for 24 hours of prayer, talks, discussions, and more! For young women ages 18-30 March 4-5, 2023 At Schoenstatt Heights (5901 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI 53718) $10...