By Catalina Garza and Vielka Villarreal
From November 1-3, 2024, Monterrey witnessed an event longed for by all the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women in Mexico: The National Encounter that is celebrated every two years, entitled this year: “Discovering the Essential.” Participating in this encounter were approximately 200 young women from different states of the republic, including: Chiapas, Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Iguala, Monclova, Querétaro, Taxco, Guadalajara, San Luis Potosí and of course, Monterrey– all united by the desire to become better bearers of the CHIIP ideal (As Immaculate Daughter, Instrument of the Father) and to be living crowns for the Church of today.
A Spirit of Unity
The day began with the inauguration of a museum with various exhibits, including a replica of the shrine, works of art that represented the different fundamental symbols of Schoenstatt and the Girls’ Youth in an original way, including, among others: the covenant medal, the lily scepter, and the RTA crown. There was also an exhibit of works of art made by members of the national youth in which they expressed what the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women’s branch means in their lives, in addition to a creative and original capital of grace visual that all the girls filled with gratitude, gifts, and petitions for the Blessed Mother throughout the weekend.

Moments of Celebration and Reflection
One of the moments most eagerly awaited by all the participants was the “Marian Festival,” in which each state presented one of the songs of the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women of Mexico through dance, choreography, or performance. This created an atmosphere of great joy and unity.
Throughout the weekend, we experienced many very special moments: the celebration of the covenant of love of three young women, the reception of the Lily Scepter by seven young women, and the reception of the RTA crown, with which the Lily Scepter is crowned, by 65 young women. In addition, the young women were part of a solemn act in which they crowned a large-scale reproduction of the Lily Scepter, all together as National Girls’ Youth, thus reaffirming the commitment of all the members of the branch to the Blessed Mother. To conclude, everyone sang the hymn of the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women. This reinforced their unity and identity as women who long to be little Marys in today’s world.
During the conference, profound topics, which invited everyone to live and defend the truth, were discussed: listening to the voice of God in our conscience and taking self-education seriously; re-actualizing the Schoenstatt mission on a daily basis and going out to encounter the world with steadfastness and loyalty. The call to follow the Blessed Mother’s example and to deepen the covenant of love, crowning it with their own lives, was also deepened.

A New Motto
To culminate the day, the new motto, which will guide the formation for the next two years of the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women in Mexico, was presented: “Faithful Heiress, Victorious in Truth.”
Maria Vega, from the Schoenstatt Young Women in Queretaro, shares her experience:
For me, this national encounter was a journey in which I learned a lot. I learned that we should be authentic in today’s world, to not be afraid to take God into the world, and to have a deeper attachment to the Blessed Mother and to God.
What I enjoyed most about this encounter was to see so many girls so happy to be together, because of the Blessed Mother. Singing the hymn [of the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women] together was one of the most beautiful parts of the encounter. I enjoyed every topic, every dynamic, every meal, every game, etc. I enjoyed sharing and meeting more girls from other states, girls who share the same ideals and have the same love for the Blessed Mother and God. I leave with my heart full of joy after having a wonderful weekend with all the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women from Mexico. [I give] thanks to the Blessed Mother and to God for my attachment to the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women and for all that I learned and for the experience of being loved by all the girls.
This National Conference was not only a space for encounter and formation. It was also a forum that motivated and gave impetus to go out into the world with the courage needed to live each individual’s authenticity [as a means] to reflect God. This event, which was prepared with much love, was fruitful. It sent the girls out, as heirs of an ideal, with renewed energy and commitment, to carry Mary’s mission into the future with responsibility for the next 100 years of Schoenstatt.
A Crown for a Crown, Love for Love, Faithfulness for Faithfulness!