Called to Be Mary
The vocation to be a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary is a call to become a living reflection of Mary for our world. It is a consecrated way of life marked by four essential features:
A Marian Spirit
This is our charism and the essence of our mission. Love for Mary should form us to be like her so that we can bring Christ anew into our world. This is expressed in a prayer composed by our founder:
Let us reflect your image
and walk through life entirely like you,
strong and noble, simple and kind,
spreading love and peace and joy.
In us go through our times
and make them ready for Christ.
A Spirit of Generous Love
A Schoenstatt Sister of Mary is called to give a wholehearted and free yes to the will of the Heavenly Father in everyday life. Generous love should be our fundamental disposition in the service of God and others. With joy and a sacrificial spirit, we strive to follow the example of Christ and Mary in their surrender to the wishes of the Father.
An Apostolic Spirit
The mission of Schoenstatt is the heart of our existence. A Schoenstatt Sister of Mary has the deep desire to help others find their way to God and to proclaim Schoenstatt’s message worldwide. The words of St. Paul inscribed on our brooch express this apostolic spirit: Caritas Christi urget nos! “The love of Christ impels us!” (2 Corinthians 5:14)
A Community Spirit
The vocation to be a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary is a call to live, work, and strive for holiness together with others. This requires sound social virtues that contribute to an uplifting atmosphere and enable a harmonious living and working together. A sound community spirit involves joyful self-giving for the sake of our sisters, our way of life, and our common mission.
Is God calling me to be a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary?
Some of the requirements for entrance into our community:
- a readiness to strive for the features named above
- an openness for Schoenstatt’s spirituality and mission
- good physical, spiritual, and emotional health
- normally 18-27 years of age
Please contact our vocations director to find out more about our requirements, for guidance in your discernment process, or if you have any other questions.
We are happy to help clarify questions or offer guidance in your discernment. If you wish to receive more information, please contact us.
Sister María José Sousa (Vocations Director)
W284 N404 Cherry Lane
Waukesha, WI 53188