How Do I Know?
This is perhaps the most frequently asked question of young people as they discern their vocation in life. The process of discernment requires prayer and serious consideration. At the same time, it’s a journey marked by the joy of seeking God’s will and the hopeful anticipation of “what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). He has a unique and beautiful plan of love for each one of us!
A few tips for the way:
Devote time to prayer
In prayer, the Holy Spirit opens us for grace. He inspires us with motivations to do good and great things. The more time we spend in prayer, the more we learn to unite ourselves with Christ and Mary in their total surrender to the Father’s will.
Discover God’s personal love for you
Be alert to the daily signs of God’s uniquely personal guidance and care. When we experience how much he loves us personally, our hearts overflow with gratitude to him. This awakens the desire to give a response of love and strengthens our courage.

Develop the art of perceiving God’s voice
God speaks through everything: the people around us, events and circumstances, something we read, objects and symbols, joys and sufferings, our talents and abilities, our strengths and weaknesses, and especially our most noble longings and aspirations. The key is to develop a fine sense of hearing and the ability to understand his messages.
Foster a close relationship to the Blessed Mother
Through her intercession, Mary helps us discover God’s will. She walked the way of discernment ahead of us. As our Mother, she is there to help us grow in our faith in God’s love, wisdom, and power. If we take her hand and walk at her side, she gives us the grace to understand God’s voice, to be open for his call, and to dare to give our yes.
Be ready to dare the leap of faith
A vocation is a call from God. It requires more than just human certainty and security – it requires faith. There may be a certain amount of darkness in our vocational decision, but that is an opportunity to prove our trust. Practicing this trust in the smaller and bigger decisions of life can prepare us for the ultimate decision for our vocation.
Talk to a trusted person
The way of discernment is not a way we walk alone. It is meaningful to seek the insights, support, and accompaniment of others. Talking with a mature, faith-filled person can often bring clarity and guidance for decision-making.
Take a closer look
Retreats and other discernment offerings can give helpful inspirations, a closer look at specific vocations, time for prayer, and the opportunity to share the joys and challenges of discernment with others. Here are some things we offer:
Please feel free to contact us for more information or for questions regarding vocational discernment:
Sister María José Sousa (Vocations Director)
W284 N404 Cherry Lane
Waukesha, WI 53188