God, in his love and mercy, has called us into being and designed a plan of love for us. He constantly invites us to discover and follow this plan, which leads us to our true happiness, the unfolding of our personality, and the full development of our love.
We can only discover and follow God the Father’s plan for us if we are open. His plan often requires a courageous leap into something new, but a leap that gives us great peace and happiness, a happiness so great that we cannot grasp it, a joy that is revealed in our whole being.
This is what Andrea, Verónica, Małgorzata, Christy, Margreate, Belén, Estrella, Catalina, and Nina have experienced. They have discovered God’s plan of love for their personal lives. And they have set out to follow him as Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary.

Belén, Catalina, Verónica, Małgorzata, Margreate, Estrella, Christy, Nina, and Andrea
Everyone who has met them during this time has witnessed the immense joy that shines through their eyes. This genuine and deep joy springs from the awareness: “Ad maiora natus sum” (I was born for something greater).
Their investiture will take place on January 27, 2024, in the Adoration Church in Schoenstatt, Germany. As a motto for that day, they have chosen a petition from a prayer by Father Kentenich addressed to the Mother of God:
“Let us reflect your image …”
We accompany them with our prayers as they take this important step, and we also ask for the grace for each of us to become more deeply aware that we are “born for something greater.”
Click here to see the invitation

Original article (translation modified): https://www.s-ms.org/2023/12/26/ad-maiora-natus-sum/