Las Hermanas de María de Schoenstatt la invitan a un retiro de discernimiento vocacional
Atención: Este evento se ofrece solamente en inglés.
- Time for silence, prayer, and reflection
- Presentations by our sisters on various topics related to vocational discernment
- The opportunity to visit and pray in our Schoenstatt Shrine
- Daily holy Mass and other community prayers with the sisters
- The opportunity for confession
- A panel in which sisters and a married couple will share their vocation story
- Time for questions and discussion
- The possibility for personal consultation with a sister
- Recreation in community and personal free time to enjoy nature and rest
- An insight into our community, our mission and our Marian way of life
When? Thursday, July 29 at 1:30pm until Sunday, August 1 at 1:00pm
Where? Provincial House of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
Who? Catholic women ages 18-27
Cost? It’s on us!
Please register before July 20, 2021.
Questions? Contact us at 262-522-4300 or